Ans:- #include<stdio.h> #define MAX 10 int st[MAX],top=-1; void push(int st[],int val); int pop(int st[]); void display(int st[]); int main() { int val,option; do { printf("\n *****MAIN MENU*****"); printf("\n 1. PUSH"); printf("\n 2. POP"); printf("\n 3. DISPLAY"); printf("\n 4. EXIT"); printf("\n***************"); printf("\n enter your option:"); scanf("%d",&option); switch(option) { case 1: printf("\n Enter the number to be pushed on the stack:"); scanf("%d",&val); push(st,val); break; case 2: val = pop(st); if(val!=-1) printf("\n The value deleted from the stack is:%d",val); break; case 3: display(st); break; } } while(option!=5); getch(); return 0; } void push(int st[],int val) { if(top==MAX-1) { printf("\n STACK OVERF...